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Colloquium on Nov. 15th, 2018: 银河系卫星星系 Milky Way satellite galaxies
Lunch talk on Nov. 6, 2018: 星团中的多星族 Multiple stellar populations in star clusters
2018年中法“起源”天文联合实验室专题研讨会 Sino-French "LIA-ORIGINS" Workshop in 2018 (11.02-11.05, 2018)
中法2018年“实测天文学”暑期学校 2018 Sino-French Observational Astronomy Summer School (10.21 - 11.01, 2018)
中国天文学会2018年学术年会 2018 Annual Meeting of the Chinese Astronomical Society (10.27-10.31, 2018)
Lunch talk on Oct. 22, 2018: Planetary Nebulae as Probes of the Stellar and Galaxy Evolution
Lunch talk on Oct. 15, 2018: Ia型超新星前身星研究与中等质量脉冲双星的形成 Studies of the type Ia supernovae progenitors and the formation of the intermediate-mass binary pulsars
Colloquium on Oct. 12th, 2018: Dynamical modeling of MaNGA galaxies
Lunch talk on Oct. 8, 2018: Rediscovering the outskirts of the Galactic disk with Gaia and LAMOST
Colloquium on Sept. 27th, 2018: What drives galaxy quenching? Insights from integral field spectroscopy and CO intensity mapping surveys
Lunch talk on Sept. 26th, 2018: Galactic Mass and Anisotropy Profiles with Halo Stars from LAMOST and Gaia
Lunch talk on Sept. 17, 2018: Velocity scaling correction method for non-conservative and dissipative restricted three-body problems
Colloquium on Sept. 12th, 2018: Towards Realistic Understandings of Protoplanetary Disks and Planet Formation
Seminar talk on July. 27th, 2018: Molecules in the circumstellar envelopes of Asymptotic Giant Branch stars
Colloquium on July. 26th, 2018: Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet Gravity at large D
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