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访问学者计划 SWIFAR Visiting Fellow
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访问学者计划 SWIFAR Visiting Fellow

The SWIFAR visiting fellow program aims to invite distinguished colleagues worldwide to visit our institute for an extended period (typically 2 to 3 weeks), to enhance the existing collaborations and foster new ones with our faculty members. The program is an important part of our efforts to build a world-class research institute. We encourage colleagues at all levels to apply. For more information, please contact the program coordinator Xun Shi (xun@ynu.edu.cn) or your collaborators at SWIFAR.

SWIFAR访问学者计划旨在邀请全球杰出的研究人员较长期地访问我们的研究所 (通常为期2至3周) 以加强现有的合作或建立新的合作。该计划是我们建立世界一流研究机构的重要举措,我们鼓励各类科研人员申请参加SWIFAR访问学者计划。欲知详细信息请联系协调人石洵(xun@ynu.edu.cn)或您在SWIFAR的合作者。

Past SWIFAR Visiting Fellow

姓名 Visitor 来访时间 Period of Stay 研究兴趣 Reasearch Interests


Feng Yuan


Accretion and Outflow of Black Holes, AGN, Galaxy Formation and Evolution, Black Hole X-ray Binaries, Exo-planets


Shude Mao


The Search of Extrasolar Planets with Microlensing, Study of the Milky Way, Stellar and Galactic Dynamics

Toshi Futamase


Gravitational Lensing in Cosmology, Large-scale Structure, Dark Matter Subhalos in Very Nearby Galaxy Clusters

Giovanni Covonne


Weak Lensing by Galaxy Clusters, Dark Matter in Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies, Evolution of Galaxies and History of Astronomy

Dong Lai


Compact Objects, Astrophysics of Exoplanets, Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics

Oleg Tsupko


Gravitational Lensing, Black Hole Shadow, Orbits of Particles in Strong Gravitational Fields, Gravitational Waves, Dark matter, Cosmology, Plasma

Mathias Schultheis


The Galactic Bulge, Infrared Spectroscopy, Chemical Abundances, Galactic Archeology, Interstellar Extinction, Stellar Populations, AGB stars

Publications for SWIFAR Visiting FellowProgram


