云南大学天文学超算系统YUNAS(Yunnan UNiversity Astronomy Supercomputer,简称天文超算),包含36台常规计算节点和4台GPU计算节点,共配备了960颗CPU计算核心、8块NVIDIA Tesla P100 GPU卡、100Gb/s的InfiniBand高速计算通讯网络,以及由14TB使用空间的高速固态硬盘组成的共享存储系统。其中,每台计算节点配备24个CPU计算核心和128GB内存,每个GPU计算节点增配了2块GPU卡。超算系统峰值计算能力为117.463万亿次(TFLOPS),峰值功率16千瓦。
The Yunnan UNiversity Astronomy Supercomputer (YUNAS) consists of 36 regular computing nodes and 4 GPU computing nodes, equipped with 960 CPU cores, 8 NVIDIA Tesla P100 GPU cards, 100Gb/s InfiniBand high-speed computing communication network and a shared storage system consisting of 14 TB of high-speed SSDs. Each computing node is equipped with 24 CPU cores and 128 GB of memory, and each GPU computing node is equipped with 2 GPU cards. The peak computing power of the supercomputing system is 117.463 trillion times per second (TFLOPS) with a peak power of 16 kilowatts.
High-performance computing plays an increasingly important role in modern astronomy research. Since its launch in March 2019, YUNAS has carried out the following cutting-edge research in astrophysics: studying solar activities, supernova remnants, black hole accretion disks/jets via fluid or magnetohydrodynamic simulations, studying the large-scale structures of the universe via N-body numerical simulations, and studying the acceleration mechanism of high-energy cosmic rays via PIC kinetic plasma simulations.
If you need to apply for an account to use YUNAS, please fill in "Yunnan University Astronomy Supercomputer Account Application Form", and sent a paper version with your signature to Room 2316, Astronomy Building, Yunnan University (Chenggong Campus). A student needs his/her supervisor’s signature for consent on the application form.
使用天文超算计算的结果发表论文时,请论文中致谢天文超算。英文致谢: The numerical computations were conducted on the Yunnan University Astronomy Supercomputer. 中文致谢:本文所需的计算资源由云南大学天文学超算系统提供。
When publishing a paper with the numerical results computed on YUNAS, please acknowledge YUNAS as: The numerical computations were conducted on the Yunnan University Astronomy Supercomputer.

1.Liu, Xiangkun; Liu, Dezi; Gao, Zucheng et al., "Detection of Cosmic Magnification via Galaxy Shear -- Galaxy Number Density Correlation from HSC Survey Data", 2021, arXiv: 2104.13595, Physical Review D, accepted
2.Fang, Jun; Yan, Jingwen; Wen, Lu; Lu, Chunyan; Yu, Huan, “Numerically investigating the morphology of the supernova remnant SN 1006 in the ambient medium with a density discontinuity”, 2020, MNRAS, 491, 2460
3.Yan, Jing-Wen; Lu, Chun-Yan; Wen, Lu; Yu, Huan; Fang, Jun, “Investigating the morphology of the supernova remnant G349.7+00.2 in the medium with a density gradient”, 2020, RAA, 20, 154
4.Fang, Jun; Lu, Chun-Yan; Yan, Jing-Wen; Yu, Huan, “Early acceleration of electrons and protons at the nonrelativistic quasiparallel shocks with different obliquity angles”, 2019, RAA, 19, 182