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中法合作天关项目 Sino-French Tianguan Project
ISSI国际团队项目 ISSI International Team Program
ISSI国际团队项目 ISSI International Team Program
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ISSI/ISSI-BJ International Team Program ISSI/ISSI-BJ国际团队项目

大型天文巡天的快速发展开启了精确宇宙学研究时代,使得我们对宇宙的认知发生了革命性的改变,与此同时,亦揭示出新的基本物理问题,包括暗能量暗物质本质、引力性质、中微子物理、宇宙极早期物理等。为此,下一代巡天项目即将在五年内开始运行,所得数据量将呈现数量级式的增长。其中,欧洲航天局Euclid卫星和中国空间站巡天空间望远镜(CSST)是下一代大型空间巡天项目,预计在2022-2024年发射。针对上述科学挑战,这两个空间巡天项目的主要科学目标是利用引力透镜和星系大尺度结构等开展高精度宇宙学研究。此外,它们所产生的高质量数据将为天体物理其他众多领域的研究 -- 从太阳系到星系形成与演化,提供重大科学机遇。

The fast development of large-scale astronomical surveys has launched a new era of precision cosmology, and revolutionized our understandings about the Universe. Meanwhile, new questions emerge, including the nature of dark energy and dark matter, the law of gravity, the physics of neutrinos, and the mechanism driving the evolution of the very early Universe. To confront the challenges, the next generation of large surveys will come online within next five years, and we will soon witness orders of magnitude increase in data volume. Among them, the European ESA Euclid and the China Space Station Survey Space Telescope (CSST) are two space missions to be launched in 2022 to 2024. The key science driver of both surveys is high precision cosmological studies, utilizing gravitational lensing effects and galaxy large-scale structures. The importance of the surveys to other areas, from the Solar system to the galaxy formation and evolution, is also well recognized.

Euclid与CSST有着共同的科学目标,但二者设计有所不同。Euclid图像巡天为1个光学宽波段(VIS)+3个近红外波段(Y,J,H),无缝光谱巡天在近红外波段。CSST图像巡天含有7个光学波段(NUV,u,g,r,i,z,Y), 无缝光谱巡天亦在光学波段。因此二者具有高度互补性。2018年,Euclid和CSST弱引力透镜团队联合申请了国际空间研究所国际团队项目,并获得批准,新利18体育新范祖辉教授为该项目负责人。该项目旨在研究如何有效地结合Euclid和CSST数据,从而最大化弱引力透镜宇宙学的科学产出。


With overlapping science goals, Euclid and CSST have different designs. Euclid has one broad VIS band in optical and three near infrared bands (Y, J, H) for imaging surveys. For slitless spectroscopy, it operates in near infrared bands. For CSST, it has seven optical bands (NUV, u, g, r, i, z, Y) for imaging surveys, and the slitness spectroscopic observations are also in optical band. Therefore the two missions are very complement to each other. In 2018, the weak lensing teams from Euclid and CSST jointly applied for a project – Weak gravitational lensing studies from space missions, under the International Space Science Institute International Team Program. It was approved successfully. Prof. Zuhui Fan from SWIFAR, Yunnan University is the PI of the project. Its aim is to explore the potential of combining data from the two missions so that to maximize the science return in weak lensing cosmological studies.

For more information, please go tohttps://www.issibern.ch/teams/weakgravlense/


