太华巍巍,拔海千寻;滇池淼淼,万山为襟。近百年前,东方大陆太华山下滇池之滨诞生了云南大学。数十年来,她会泽百家,至公天下。2017年,一群志同道合的天文学家聚集在云山之巅,创办了新利18体育新。他们脚踏实地,仰望星空,探索宇宙奥秘。 Lofty Taihua Mountain rises thousands of meters above the sea; ten thousand mountains skirt vast Dianchi Lake. Nearly a century ago, upon the hills of Taihua Mountain and by the shores of Dianchi Lake, borne in the Eastern Continent (Donglu) was Yunnan University. Over the decades, she has received and nurtured hundreds of masters, and strived for the justice of the whole world. In 2017, a group of astronomers with a common goal arrived at Yunshan Mountain and created the South-Western Institute for Astronomy Research (SWIFAR). They stand firmly on the solid ground, gaze deeply into the starry sky, and explore the universe. 中国西南天文研究所谋求发展为国际一流的研究中心,以最高标准推动中国天文和天体物理学基础研究,并致力于国际学术交流、创新项目研发以及博士后和研究生培养。“专业、敬业、乐业”是我们的座右铭。 SWIFAR is aimed to become an international centre of excellence that promotes basic research in astronomy and astrophysics in China with the highest standards. It is designed to be a forum for global scientific exchange, an incubator for innovative projects, and a training centre for national and international postdocs and postgraduates. Profession, dedication and devotion are our motto. 短短数年,中国西南天文研究所已发展成为一个拥有二十多名专职研究人员和博士后、数十名博士和硕士研究生的高标准、高水平国际化研究中心。中国西南天文研究所已扬帆起航,朝着远方的目标乘风破浪。 Over just a few years, SWIFAR has already grown to be a high-standard, high-quality international research centre, boasting over 20 full-time researchers and postdocs, and dozens PhD and M.Sc students. SWIFAR is sailing SWIftly at full speed toward her goal in the FAR.
刘晓为 Liu Xiaowei