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Colloquium on Oct. 12th, 2018: Dynamical modeling of MaNGA galaxies

Speaker:Shude Mao (Tsinghua University)

Venue:Gewu 4410

Time:3:00 PM, Friday, 12th October, 2018

Abstract:The SDSS-IV MaNGA survey will eventually obtain integrated field unit data for ten thousand galaxies in the nearby universe; currently more than half of the data have already been collected. I will discuss how dynamical modeling of these galaxies can be used to study their properties, including their initial mass function variation, three-dimensional shapes and their systematic variations across the mass-size plane.

Personal Information:

Shude Mao is a professor of astrophysics at Tsinghua University. He obtained his PhD at Princeton in 1992, and were postdoctoral fellows at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and the Max-Planck Institute for astrophysics. He joined the faculty of the University of Manchester in 2000. He returned to China in 2010. His current research focuses on the search of extrasolar planets with microlensing, study of the Milky Way, and stellar dynamics.



