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Lunch talk on Oct. 8, 2018: Rediscovering the outskirts of the Galactic disk with Gaia and LAMOST

Speaker:Haifeng Wang (SWIFAR)

Venue:Gewu 4410

Time:12:30 PM, Monday, 8th October, 2018


Based on radial profiles, galaxy disk can be divided into three categories: Type I, classical single exponentia; Type II, down-bending joint exponential; Type III, up-bending joint exponential. Milky Way is the benchmark for the research of the disk Galaxy formation and evolution! And the outer disks of galaxies present a unique laboratory for studying the process of disk formation and it can provide us with a direct view of disk assembly in progress. I will introduce my recent work about the Milky Way outer disk.

Personal Information:

Haifeng Wang got his ph.D this summer from the National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences, in Beijing. Born and raised in China west, Haifeng Wang will be the LAMOST Fellow in Yunnan University. His research interests are Milky Way structures, formation, evolution, dynamics, star clusters and interstellar dust.




