Colloquium on July. 5th, 2018: The SkyMapper Southern Survey
Speaker:Christian Wolf (Australian National University)
Venue:Gewu 4410
Time:4:00 PM, Thursday, 5th July, 2018
Abstract:The ANU SkyMapper Telescope maps the entire Southern Survey in 6 optical passbands over a duration of six years. In my talk, I will present the design of the survey as well as its key science motivators, including (i) metal-poor stars in our Galaxy, (ii) supernovae and rare transients, (iii) QSOs and changing-look ANG, and (iv) galaxy evolution. I will present first results, complementary instrumental projects in the domain of spectroscopy and radio astronomy, and give an outlook on the future of SkyMapper.
Personal Information:
Christian Wolf, PhD from MPIA in 1999; 12 years in Oxford from 2001; SInce 2013 at Asutralian National University in Canberra; PI of SkyMapper Southern Survey; Since 2016, leader of ANU Node of the ARC Centre of Excellence in All-sky Astrophysics (CAASTRO), which has now finished.