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Colloquium on July. 24th, 2018: CANDELS: Live Views of Galaxy Formation and Evolution

Speaker:Yicheng Guo(University of Missouri)

Venue:Gewu 4410

Time:2:00 PM, Tuesday, 24th July, 2018

Abstract:As the largest survey program of the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), CANDELS opened an unprecedentedly new window to study distant galaxies over the cosmic time. Possessing not only NIR and optical images from HST, the five fields of CANDELS also anchor unsurpassed rich multi-wavelength data from other survey instruments. I will review some important results from CANDLES on studies of galaxies at the Cosmic High Noon (redshift z~2), when the cosmic star formation activity reached its peak. I will also introduce recent and upcoming surveys in CANDELS fields, which will last its legacy for future distant galaxy research.

Personal Information:Yicheng Guo is an assistant professor at the University of Missouri -Columbia. He obtained a bachelor degree from the University of Science andtechnology of China and then a PhD degree from the University of Massachusetts- Amherst in 2012. He worked as a postdoc at the University of California,Santa Cruz in 2012--2017 before moving to Missouri. His research focuses onunderstanding how galaxies, such as our own Milky Way, were formed andevolved from small, irregular blobs in the early universe into today's large,massive systems with diverse morphology.



