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· Colloquium on Apr. 16th, 2019: Galactic Archeology using large spectroscopic surveys in the Infrared: The APOGEE (SDSS-IIII/IV) survey and the MOONS project
· Lunch talk on Apr. 15th, 2019: Using quasar absorption lines to probe gas in and around high-z galaxies
· Colloquium on Apr. 11th, 2019: Astrochemistry: from interstellar medium to the origin of solar system
· Lunch talk on Apr. 8th, 2019: Does dark matter interact with dark energy?
· Lunch talk on Apr. 4th, 2019: SNRs colliding with Molecular clouds, via Fermi-LAT anlaysis & hadronic modelling

· The 1st Donglu Astrophysics Forum on April 1-3, 2019
· Colloquium on Mar. 28th, 2019: Strong Lensing and Substructures
· Lunch talk on Mar. 25th, 2019: The formation of compact elliptical galaxies in the vicinity of a massive galaxy
· Special Colloquium on Mar. 25th, 2019: The Maidanak Observatory in Uzbekistan: Present Status and Future Prospects
· Colloquium on Mar. 21th, 2019: Probing the solar system using pulsar timing array

· Lunch talk on Mar. 20th, 2019: High Quality Co-location Pattern Mining
· Lunch talk on Mar. 18th, 2019: Infall halo and satellite galaxies - a study with IllustrisTNG
· Lunch talk on Mar. 11th, 2019: The substructure and halo population of the Double Cluster h and chi Persei
· Lunch talk on Feb. 28th, 2019: M giants and substructure detected in the Galactic halo
· Colloquium on Jan. 24th, 2019: 超高能宇宙线与洛伦兹对称性破缺 Lorentz Invariance Violation from Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Rays
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