Special Colloquium on Mar. 25th, 2019
The Maidanak Observatory in Uzbekistan: Present Status and Future Prospects
Speaker:Shuhrat EHGAMBERDIEV (Ulugh Beg Astronomical Institute)
Venue:Gewu 4410
Time:9:00 AM, Monday, 25th March, 2019
The MAO of the UBAI is involved to a number of International observing programs requiring continuous (without day/night periodicity interruptions) monitoring of celestial objects. There are two main reasons for cooperation with UBAI. First is a high quality atmospheric condition (about 90% of possible clear night time in summer-autumn season with median seeing 0.69 arcsec) at MAO compatible to the conditions at the world best international observatories as Paranal and La Silla in Chile, observatory Roque de los Muchachos in the Canary Islands. Second is location in the middle of Euro-Asian continent allowing to cower with observations in the summer time interval from 15 till 23 UT and more than 12 hours interval in the winter season (14 – 03 UT).
An agreement between UBAI and the National Astronomical Observatories of China (NAOC) signed in 2014 appeared to be a very important step for further development of the Maidanak observatory. Within the framework of this agreement, the 1-m Zeiss telescope of the MAO was upgraded.
The Organization of Islamic Cooperation during its First Summit on Science and Technology held in Astana, Kazakhstan in September 2017 proposed to install a 4-m telescope in Uzbekistan. In the high quality atmospheric conditions of Mt. Maidanak equipped with an adaptive mirror, such telescope “can provide the same or better resolution as the Hubble space telescope”. The President of Uzbekistan strongly supported this initiative and at present the study of the installing such a modern telescope at Mt. Maidanak in 2021-2024 has begun. A 4-meter telescope in Uzbekistan will significantly expand scientific opportunities at UBAI and will open up entirely new ones, particularly including spectroscopic capabilities.
We hope that Chinese astronomers will be interested in joining this project aimed further develop the advantages of collaborative research of the unique astrophysical objects with Uzbek astronomers.
A talk will start with a brief introduction on the history of Medieval astronomy in Uzbekistan.