Lunch talk on Dec. 26th, 2018
An Inclusive View of Planetary Systems
Speaker:祝伟(加拿大理论天体物理研究所)/ Wei Zhu (Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics)
Venue:Gewu 4410
Time:12:30 PM, Wednesday, 26th December, 2018
Similar to our solar system, extra-solar systems likely also contain a diversity of planets, and planets around the same star likely have (or had) interactions with each other. Therefore, the relations between planets inside the same system conveys important clues on their origin and evolution path. In this talk, I will present several such relations and discuss the theoretical implications. The first part of my talk focuses on the intrinsic architecture of the inner (<1 AU) planetary system revealed by the Kepler data. Then, I will extend the “planet ladder” to larger separations, using the correlation with the outer giants to constrain the formation channel of inner planets. I will finish the talk by mentioning potential future directions, in particular on how gravitational microlensing can tell us the multiplicity and architecture of the cold planetary regions.
Personal Information:
Dr. Wei Zhu is currently a post-doc fellow at Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics (CITA) in Toronto, Canada. He got his PhD degree from the Ohio State University in 2017, and a BS degree from Peking University in 2013. He was originally from An Yang (安阳) of Henan Province.His research has been focusing on the demographic study of exoplanets, by combining different detection techniques (microlensing, transit, RV, and astrometry). He is also interested in other aspects of astronomy.