Lunch talk on Mar. 18th, 2019
Infall halo and satellite galaxies - a study with IllustrisTNG
Speaker:Jingjing Shi (Peking University)
Venue:Gewu 4410
Time:12:30 PM, Monday, 18th March, 2019
Abstract:The formation history of infall halos is bimodal (a young and an old population exist), at given infall time.We use a cosmological hydrodynamical simulation IllustrisTNG to study the possible effects of the formation history of infall halos on satellite galaxies. We find satellites in old infall halos tend to be more massive at infall time, and their evolution after being accreted differ from those in the young infall halos as well. Our work is helpful for better understanding the satellite quenching mechanisms. In the end, I will briefly introduce my ongoing work on studying the HI gas content in quiescent central galaxies.
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