Lunch talk on Feb. 28h, 2019
M giants and substructure detected in the Galactic halo
Speaker:Jing Li (China West Normal University)
Venue:Gewu 4410
Time:12:30 PM, Thursday, 28th February, 2019
Abstract:M giant stars, with temperatures in the range 2,400 to 3,700 K, are very bright; at the tip of the red giant branch, their luminosity are ~10^3Lsun, making them excellent tracers of substructures at large distances in the outer Galactic halo. In this talk I will introduce how we select the M giants in spectroscopic database (LAMOST) and photometric database (ALLWISE survey) and the recent work on detecting the Sagittarius stream and Monoceros Ring with M giants.
Report ppt: