宇宙学与结构形成 Cosmology and structure formation
Cosmology is a branch of science aiming to probe the origin and evolution of the Universe and the structures therein. The tremendous developments, both observational and theoretical, in the past decades have revolutionized our understandings about the cosmos. Meanwhile, new challenges have emerged. What is the nature of dark matter and dark energy? Is General Relativity still the governing theory on cosmological scales? These are the fundamental questions to be answered in the 21st century. Galaxies and clusters of galaxies are observable tracers of large-scale structures in the Universe. Understanding their formation and evolution is essentially important in astrophysical and cosmological studies. Targeting at answering these fundamental questions, our studies employ multiple probes and tracers for cosmological analyses.
Regarding gravitational lensing, cosmic microwave background radiation, galaxies and clusters of galaxies, we investigate the impacts of dark matter and dark energy on the formation and evolution of large-scale structures through theoretical investigations, numerical simulations, and observational analyses. Developing new statistical tools for cosmological studies and understanding possible systematics that could affect their applicability are also our main efforts. Observational data from international communities have been extensively used in our research. We also actively involve in different domestic projects.
With the observational developments, especially with the construction of the SKA project,21cm cosmology will enter its golden age. Arising from the hyperfine energy structure of hydrogen atoms, the characteristics of 21cm signals are sensitive to the birth of the first generation of structures and the nature of the matter components in the Universe. Being heavily involved in SKA, we aim to investigate in depth the potential of extracting cosmological information from 21cm observations by exploring different statistical methods. We also employ machine-learning techniques in our studies.
代表性论文(Selected publications):
Shimabukuro, H.; Ichiki, K.; Kadota, K., “21cm forest probes on axion dark matter in the post-inflationary Peccei-Quinn symmetry breaking scenarios ”,. 2020, Phys. Rev. D, 102, 023522
Yuan, S.; Pan, C.Z.; Liu, X.K.; Wang, Q.; Fan, Z.H.. “Cosmological studies from tomographic weak lensing peak abundances and impacts of photo-z errors ”, 2019, ApJ, 884, 164.
Liu, D.Z.; Fu, L.P.; Liu, X.K.; Radovich, M.; Wang, Q.; Pan, C.Z.; Fan, Z.H.; Covone, G.; Vaccari, M.; Botticella, M. T.; Capaccioli, M.; De Cicco, D.; Grado, A.; Miller, L.; Napolitano, N.; Paolillo, M., Pignata, G., “Weak lensing study in VOICE survey – II. Shear bias calibrations ”, 2018, MNRAS, 478, 2388
Er, X.Z. ; Hoekstra, H.; Schrabback, T.; Cardone, V.F.; Scaramella, R.; Maoli, R.; Vicinanza, M.; Gillis, B.; Rhodes, J., “Calibration of colour gradient bias in shear measurement using HST/CANDELS data ”, 2018, MNRAS, 476, 5645
Shan, H.-Y.; Liu, X.-K.; Hildebrandt, H.; Pan, C.-Z.; Martinet, N.; Fan, Z.-H.; Schneider, P.;Asgari, M.; Harnois-Déraps, J.; Hoekstra, H.; Wright, A.; Dietrich, J.-P.; Erben, T.; Getman, F.; Grado, A.; Heymans, C.; Klaes, D.; Kuijken, K.; Merten, J.; Puddu, E.; Radovich, M.; Wang, Q., "KiDS-450: Cosmological constraints from weak lensing peak statisitcs-I: Inference from analytical prediction of high-signal-to-noise ratio convergence peaks", 2018, MNRAS, 474, 1116.
Shimabukuro, H.; Semelin, B., “Analyzing the 21 cm signal at the epoch of reionization with artificial neutral network ”, 2017, MNRAS, 468, 3869
Liu, X.-K.; Li, B.-J.; Zhao, G.-B.; Chiu, M.-C.; Fang, W.; Pan, C.-Z.; Wang, Q.; Du, W.; Yuan, S.; Fu, L.-P.; Fan, Z.-H., "Constraining f(R) gravity theory using weak lensing peak statistics from the Canada-France-Hawaii-Telescope Lensing Survey", 2016, Phys. Rev. Lett., 117, 051101.
Shimabukuro, H.; Yoshiura, S.; Takahashi, K., Yokoyama, S., Ichiki, K., “21cm bispectrum as method to probe cosmic dawn and epoch of reionization ”, 2016, MNRAS, 458, 3003.
Liu, X.-K.; Pan, C.-Z.; Li, R.; Shan, H.-Y.; Wang, Q.; Fu, L.-P.; Fan, Z.-H.; Kneib, J.-P.; Leauthaud, A.; Van Waerbeke, L.; Makler, M.; Moraes, B.; Erben, T.; Charbonnier, A., "Cosmological constraints from weak lensing peak statistics with Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Stripe 82 Survey", 2015, MNRAS, 450, 2888.
Er, X.-Z.; Mao, Shude, "Effects of plasma on gravitational lensing", 2014, MNRAS, 437, 2180.
Shi, X. & Komatsu, E., "Analytical model of non-thermal pressure in galaxy clusters", 2014, MNRAS, 442, 521.
Fan, Z.-H.; Shan, H.-Y.; Liu, J.-Y., "Noisy weak-lensing convergence peak statistics near clusters of galaxies and beyond", 2010, ApJ, 719, 1408.
Shi, X.; Joachimi, B.; Schneider, P., "Controlling intrinsic-shear alignment in three-point weak lensing statistics", 2010, A&A, 523, A60.