天文学以科学为导向、观测为基础、发现为驱动。大天区面积高精度多波段成像测光巡天已成为发现和探索新天体、新现象,深入研究各类天体性质及其形成和演化的最重要的天文学研究手段。至今为止,所有国内外的大视场巡天计划均只能在同一时间对观测天区进行单一波段成像,无法获取天体的实时颜色信息。因此,基于这些巡天“拍摄”的天体运动、变化的影像仅仅是“黑白影片”或“伪彩色影片”。开展变源、暂现源研究的瓶颈在于获取高精度的实时颜色信息以对其各类候选体进行快速分类与证认,而现有的巡天均无法有效解决该难题。本项目拟研制建设的云南大学“多通道测光巡天望远镜”(Multi-channel Photometric Survey Telescope,简称Mephisto),通过创新性的光学设计,将在国际上首次实现较大通光口径、较大视场、多通道高精度测光巡天。
Large-scale astronomical surveys play a key in modern astrophysical studies, leading to new discoveries, and revolutionizing our understandings of the origin and evolution of the universe. The fast technological advances are changing the ways we view the sky, from snapshot taking in surveys such as SDSS and XSTPS-GAC, to movie shooting by observing the same sky thousands of times in surveys, such as ZTF, Skymapper, WFST and LSST. The developments open up the possibility to probe the universe in multi-dimensions, in particular in time domain. Build upon the experiences of those surveys and to make a step forward, we plan to build a wide-field multi-channel survey telescope -- the Multi-channel Photometric Survey Telescope (Mephisto), the first of this type in the world.
Mephisto has a 1.6 m primary and is equipped with three CCD cameras of a field-of-view 3.14 deg2(Fig. 1), capable of simultaneously imaging the same patch of sky in three bands (ugi or vrz). The three cameras boast a total of 1.0 Giga pixels. Mephisto will yield real-time colours of astronomical objects with unprecedented accuracies, and deliver for the first time a coloured documentary of our evolving universe. The development of Mephisto is expected to take four years (2018-2021) , and it is expected to be operational in 2022.

Table 1 Main specifications

图一 Mephisto光路图 Figure 1 Mephisto optical path
The Mephisto surveys will have two components: the Mephisto-W covering the whole northern sky of ~26,000 deg2and the Mephisto-D, Mephisto-H and Mephisto-M covering sky areas of respectively thousands, hundreds and tens of square degrees with a corresponding cadence of days, hours and minutes, targeting specifically fast variables and transients.
Mephisto-W. The Mephisto-W survey will target the whole northern sky of ~26,000 deg2at δ>-15°. The first year of the survey (2022) will be dedicated to Mephisto-W. The full survey area will be imaged five times over the year, in both ugi and vrz filter combinations, using pairs of 20-second exposures twice per night, delivering a typical 5σ depth of r~22.37 mag. For the following nine years (2023 -- 2031), 30% of the observing time will be allocated to Mephisto-W. After 10 years of operation, Mephisto will uniformly observe the whole survey area 18 times (for both the ugi and vrz filter combinations), leading to a coadded depth of r~23.98 mag and colour accuracies of 0.2-0.5%.
Mephisto-D, H and M.Starting from the second year (2023), 70% of the observing time will be allocated to Mephisto-D, H and M surveys. Mephisto-D will cover several regions of interest, each of an area of ~1800 deg2. Mephisto-H and Mephisto-M will target regions with higher sampling frequencies, with each D and M region covering an area of 180 deg2, and 18 deg2, respectively. The D, H and M areas will be imaged in ugi or vrz filter combinations with the time intervals of days, hours and minutes, respectively. Comparing to Mephisto-W, Mephisto-D, H and M will have better time samplings and deeper limiting magnitudes, providing high quality data for time-domain science.
The unique capability of recording high-precision real-time colours, thus allowing quick and robust classification of fast transients, makes Mephisto particularly powerful for time domain astrophysics. Celestial objects and forefront problems that Mephisto will target and tackle include, for example,
Astrophysical transients and the underlying physics.The real-time multi-channel and high cadence observations of Mephisto surveys will enable efficient searches and classifications of different transients, including electromagnetic counterparts of gravitational waves, supernova explosions of extremely metal poor stars, tidal disruption events, gamma-ray bursts, and physically still unknown transients.
Galaxies and cosmology. Mephisto will be able to produce large samples of Type Ia supernovae, QSOs and AGNs, as well as strong lensing systems. The large sample sizes, the high image qualities, the precise real-time colours (and variations), multi-band magnitudes (and variations), and positions (and variations) will provide enormous information that allows us to probe the nature of those objects. This, in turn, will reveal to us how the galaxies form and evolve. Cosmologically, the deep understanding of these objects can greatly improve the constraints on properties of dark matter and dark energy because of the tight systematic controls of different cosmic tracers, such as Type Ia supernovae.
Extreme metal-poor stars and Galactic archeology.Mephisto will carry out a systematic search for the most metal-poor stars in the Galaxy using sensitive filter sets the same as that of Skymapper. Mephisto will also provide us accurate stellar parameters for billions of Galactic stars, such as the effective temperature, metallicities, distances and ages, etc. These will offer an unique opportunity to reveal the true multi-dimensional structure and the formation and evolution history of the Milky Way.
Stars and variables.Based on the accurate real-time colour variations and multi-band magnitudes, Mephisto will make fundamental contributions to our understanding of variability in stars of different kinds, including various types of variable stars and white dwarfs. This can not only improve our knowledge about the stellar formation and evolution, but also refine the accuracy of distance ladders from variable stars.
Planetary systems including the Solar System.Mephisto will carry out a comprehensive survey of the small bodies of the Solar System, and help to understand the formation and evolution of the Solar System. Mephisto will also be able to detect and characterise the Near-Earth Objects.
Mephisto data products will be publicly available to the domestic and international communities. The successful development and operation of Mephisto will help enhance the global scientific and technique competitiveness of the Chinese astronomical community. It will also benefit significantly the growth of next generation of Chinese young scientists.