Lunch talk on Jun. 24, 2024
Mapping the X-ray outflowing wind in Seyfert-I NGC 3783 with high-resolution spectroscopy and spectral-timing method
Speaker:Chen Li (Leiden University)
Venue:Video Conference
Time:12:30 PM, Monday, Jun. 24, 2024
Outflowing wind, as one type of AGN feedback involving non-collimated ionised winds such as those prevalent in Seyfert-1 AGNs, impacts the host galaxy by carrying kinetic energy outwards. However, the distance of the outflowing wind is poorly constrained because of a lack of direct imaging observations, which limits our understanding of its kinetic power, and thus of its impact on the local galactic environment. By constraining the density of the photoionized plasma, it is possible to derive the distance using the ionization parameter ξ which can be measured based on the ionization state with high-resolution spectroscopy. By using a realistic SED with variability from a realistic PSD, and Warm Absorber physical parameters based on previous X-ray observations, we performed a theoretical tpho model calculation to investigate the time-dependent photoionization plasma state of ten WA components of NGC 3783. We employed cross- correlation calculations to measure the correlation between response lag time and the outflow density for all WA components. By doing so, we determined the ranges of density for which the tpho model can yield practical constraints, and we compared our results with those obtained from metastable absorption lines in X-ray and UV bands. Besides, another work devoted to combine observation ratio spectra from archived Chandra/HETGS with tpho model ratio, we can constrain the density of one component of WA within one order of magnitude. The spectral-timing technique we developed based on tpho model can easily be applied to XRISM and upcoming X-ray mission NewAthena. NGC 3783 as PV phase target of XRISM is the flagship Seyfert 1 galaxy for AGN wind studies. We will analyze XRISM new data and combine multiple wavelength data to map X-ray wind location of NGC 3783. We expect more exciting scientific results coming out from the upcoming new data campain.
Report PPT:
SWIFAR_Chen LI.pdf