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Lunch talk on May. 6, 2024

A Systematic Search for Wide-Separation Quasars Lensed by Galaxy Clusters I. Spectroscopically selected candidates

Speaker: Liang Jing (BNU)

Venue: SWIFAR Building 2111

Time: 12:30 PM, Monday, May. 6, 2024


Strong lensed quasars serve as vital probes in cosmological research. The study of foreground lens mass distribution and structure in lensed quasars holds significant implications for resolving the Hubble tension. However, only about 400 lensed quasars are confirmed at present, the vast majority of which are lensed by individual galaxies, resulting in smaller separations (1-2''). Known as wide-separation lensed quasars (WSLQs), only 7 cases with separation greater than 10'' have been reported, with the largest separation being 25.9''. In the context of their rarity, we search for nearly identical quasars near the galaxy clusters cataloged from the DESI legacy survey. Tens of WSLQ candidates are isolated. Spectroscopy and imaging of these candidates will be exhibited, as well as arcminute-scale WSLQ candidates in our sample.

Report PPT:  SWIFAR_Liang_Jing.pdf



