Lunch talk on Apr. 15, 2024
Galaxy formation within and without dark matter halos
Speaker:Kai Wang (KIAA-PKU)
Venue:SWIFAR Building 2111
Time:12:30 PM, Monday, Apr. 12, 2024
The matter content of our Universe comprises 84% dark matter, which would collapse into virtualized dark matter halos, and 16% normal matter, which constitutes visible galaxies in the sky. Even though dark matter is invisible, it can regulate the formation and subsequent evolution of galaxies by altering the gravitational field. Therefore, understanding the connection between dark matter halos and galaxies is of paramount importance in comprehending galaxy formation and evolution. This talk will start with a brief introduction to galaxy-halo connections that have been established in previous decades. Then, I will introduce our effort along this line to study their connections to the second order, focusing on how the halo formation history regulates the star formation activity of central galaxies. Finally, I will briefly introduce our recent discoveries of galaxy formation without any facilitation of dark matter halos.
Report PPT:
SWIFAR_Kai Wang.pdf