Colloquium on Dec. 07, 2023
Emulate the untapped scales of cosmic large scale structure
Speaker:Zhongxu Di (SJTU)
Venue:SWIFAR Building 2111
Time:15:00 PM, Thursday, Dec. 07, 2023
The spatial distribution of galaxies reveals a coherent structure at large scales. The analysis based on observational data from sky surveys has provided us accurate measurement of the cosmic distance scales through baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO), and linear growth rate through redshift space distortion (RSD) effect. On the other hand, the distribution at small scale is also informative. However, extracting the information at this scale is challenging due to the non-linearity of the dark matter dynamics and the coupling with galaxy formation processes. I will introduce the emulator approach on the modeling of galaxy clustering at non-linear scale based on high resolution N-body simulations, and the latest result from the application to the data of massive galaxies from BOSS and eBOSS. The analysis reports a tight constraint on the linear growth rate with some tension with other experiments. I will show follow-up works and extensions from both observational side and modeling side.