Colloquium on Nov. 23, 2023
Gas dynamics and planet formation in the outer protoplanetary disks
Speaker: Xuening Bai (Tsinghua University)
Venue: SWIFAR Building 2111
Time: 15:00 PM, Thursday, Nov. 23, 2023
The prevalence of disk substructures, as a major observational revolution over the past few years, calls for new perspectives in our understanding of the gas dynamics of protoplanetary disks and planet formation. I will start by introducing the central role of magnetic field in driving disk dynamics and evolution, and the framework of magnetized disk winds. By focusing on the most observable disk outer regions, I will first show that magnetism in outer disk conditions leads to weak turbulence and stochastic magnetic flux concentration that naturally form ring-like substructures. Next, I will show that such weakly turbulent dust rings can be natural sites for planetesimal formation, despite that the streaming instability is unlikely to operate. Finally, I will present global simulations of planet-disk interaction and circumplanetary disk formation in weakly turbulent windy disks.
Report PPT:
SWIFAR_Xuening Bai.pdf