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Lunch talk on May. 31, 2023

Investigations on Asteroid Thermophysical Characteristics

Speaker:Haoxuan Jiang (PMO)

Venue:SWIFAR Building 2111

Time:12:30 PM, Wednesday, May. 31, 2023


Asteroid thermal modeling is about calculating the temperature and theoretical thermal emission of asteroids’ surface, which depends on physical parameters such as size, shape, pole orientation, thermal conductivity, density, heat capacity etc, these parameters domains the absorption of sunlight, multiple scattering of reflected and thermally emitted photons and heat conduction in the boundary condition. When fitting with thermal infrared observations, we can obtain thermal parameters such as thermal inertia, roughness fraction, etc. We present major breakthroughs achieved in studies of thermal inertia, which allow us to determine the grain size, of asteroids’ regolith, it also governs non-gravitational effects on asteroid orbits. The investigated targets include various types of asteroids such as NEAs, MBAs and asteroid families. Asteroid space missions and near-Earth asteroid defense missions also require high level of precision of thermophysical models in order to analyze high-quality of spacecraft data.

Report PPT:SWIFAR_Haoxuan Jiang.pptx

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