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Colloquium on Jun. 3, 2021

Magnetic fields in galaxy clusters and filaments of the cosmic web

Speaker:Valentina Vacca (INF)

Venue:Video Conference

Time:09:00 AM, Thursday, Jun. 3, 2021


Magnetic fields in our Universe have been observed everywhere and on different spatial scales. Despite this, we still speculate about the origin and evolution of cosmic magnetism that represent one of the key science projects of new generation radio telescopes, first among all the SKA. Observations of magnetic fields in filaments of the cosmic web and in galaxy clusters are of paramount importance to shed light on the properties of pristine magnetic fields and on how they evolved to magnetic field strengths and configurations presently observed. During this talk, I will present our recent results in this context.

Speaker's Profile:

Graduation (2008) and PhD (2012) at the University of Cagliari in Italy working on intracluster magnetic fields under the supervision of Dr. Matteo Murgia and Dr. Federica Govoni. Two-years (2012-2013) postdoc at the Institute of Radio Astronomy in Bologna working on magnetic fields in the large scale structure of the Universe in the group of Dr. Luigina Feretti and Prof. Gabriele Giovannini. Two-years (2014-2015) postdoc at the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics in Garching (Germany) working in the group of Dr. Torsten Ensslin on statistical approaches to the study of magnetic fields in the cosmic web from rotation measure grids. Three-years (2016-2018) staff position at the Astronomical Observatory in Cagliari where in 2018 I got a permanent position for the study of intracluster and intergalactic magnetic fields with interferometric and single dish radio observations.

Report PPT:SWIFAR_Valentina Vacca.pdf

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