Lunch talk on Nov. 25, 2020
Kilonova Emission from Black Hole-Neutron Star Mergers. Lightcurves, Luminosity Function, and multi-messenger observations
Speaker: Jinping Zhu(PKU)
Venue: Room 2111, SWIFAR Building
Time: 12:30 PM, Wednesday, Nov. 25, 2020
The discovery by LIGO/Virgo of GW170817 from a BNS merger and the subsequent observations of electromagnetic counterparts set a milestone for the era of GW-led multi-messenger astronomy. The associations between GW 170817, GRB 170817A, and AT 2017gfo provided the smoking-gun evidence for the BNS merger origin of sGRBs and confirmed the theoretical kilonova prediction. Besides BNS mergers, BH–NS mergers could be another type of source producing kilonova transients that astronomers expect to detect. I will talk about the viewing-angle-dependent lightcurves model for BH-NS mergers kilonovae and luminosity function. I will also provide some implications for current and future target-of-opportunity observation of gravitational-wave triggers and blind searches. In recent, a possible electromagnetic counterpart to a massive BBH merger, GW190521, was reported by the ZTF. The electromagnetic flare is consistent with expectations for a kicked BBH merger in the accretion disk of an AGN powered by ram-pressure stripping. Furthermore, the BNS and NSBH mergers can also occur in the AGN disk. I will briefly introduce our predictions for electromagnetic signals of a BNS or NSBH merger in an AGN accretion disk.
Report PPT:
SWIFAR_Jinping Zhu.pdf