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Lunch talk on Apr. 4th, 2019

SNRs colliding with Molecular clouds, via Fermi-LAT anlaysis & hadronic modelling

Speaker:Yudong Cui (Sun Yat-sen University)

Venue:Gewu 4410

Time:12:30 PM, Thursday, 4th April, 2019


As one of the most important kinds of Galactic Cosmic ray (CR) sources, Supernova remnants (SNR) are able to accelerate the CRs to super-TeV energies. These accelerated CRs are able to radiate strong non-thermal emission ranging from X-ray to gamma-ray. Our current study mainly focuses on the escape and diffusion of low energy CRs, especially in cases of SNRs encountered with molecular clouds (MC). Recently we developed a method to find such SNR-MC encounter scenarios, and this method includes the Fermi-LAT analysis and the following modeling work that describes the CR acceleration, escape, and diffusion in/around SNRs. We have successfully applied this method into two SNR cases, SNR W28 & SNR HESS J1731-347, and we are currently using it on another SNR -- G35.6-0.4. Meanwhile, we try to apply for multi-wavelength observations to further confirm those potential SNR-MC encounter scenarios.

Report PPT:SWIFAR_lunchtalk_cuiyudong.pdf



