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Special colloquium on Jun.12th, 2018: Numerical cosmology for next generations

Speaker:Luciano Casarini

Venue:Gewu 4410

Time:3:00 PM, Tuesday, 12th June, 2018

Abstract:The next generation mass probes will investigate DE/DM nature by measuring non-linear power spectra at various z, and comparing them with different models, taking into account baryon physics is a challenge. This seminar introduces to some numerical techniques and contributions in order to reduce such duty.

Personal Information:

Luciano Casarini got his PhD in Physics in University of Bologna in 2007. He then become a postdoctoral research assistant in University of Milano-Bicocca and got a FAPES fellow in Federal University of Espirito Santo between 2007 and 2014. During 2014 to 2017, he is a visiting professor in University of Espirito Santo. Now he is a postdoctoral research assistant in Federal University of Rio Grande North. His research interests include dark energy, structure formation, weak lensing, CMB, numerical simulations, statistical methods and machine learning.



