Precessing jet nozzle connecting to a spinning black hole in M87

图(1):上图:2013年至2018年期间每两年合并后的M87喷流结构。下图:基于2000年至2022年数据拟合的喷流角度的变化曲线。绿色点和蓝色点分别来22GHz和43GHz的观测频段的数据。(来源:Yuzhu Cui et al. 2023)。
Figure 1. Top panel: M87 jet structure at 43 GHz after bi-yearly stacking data observed during 2013-2018. Bottom panel: Best fitting results based on the yearly-stacked image from 2000 to 2022. The green and blue points are obtained from observations at 22 GHz and 43 GHz, respectively. Credit: Yuzhu Cui et al. 2023.

图(2): 林伟康副研究员在解释黑洞的自旋所引起的吸积盘进动。
Figure 2. Associate research professor Weikang Lin explaining the accretion disk precession caused by a black hole spin.

The energy transfer mechanism among supermassive black holes, accretion disks, and relativistic jets have been puzzling physicists and astronomers for over a century. A prevailing theory suggests that energy can be extracted from a spinning black hole, allowing some materials surrounding the supermassive black hole to be ejected with great energy. However, the spin of supermassive black holes, a crucial factor in this process and the most fundamental parameter besides the black hole mass, has not been directly observed.
An international collaboration consisting of researchers from 46 institutes tackled this challenging question by closely monitoring long-term evolution of the jet in galaxy M87. The team analyzed the data obtained over the last 23 years via Very Long Baseline Interferometry and found the jet swinging up and down with an amplitude of about 10 degrees and a period of about 11 years; see figure (1). The result can be successfully explained with the precession of a tilted accretion disk predicted by the general-relativistic frame dragging effect caused by a spinning black hole. It serves as a smoking gun for the existence of M87’s black hole spin. The work is published in Nature on September 27th, 2023.
In addition, the finding provides important structural information about the M87 black hole-accretion disk-jet system. For example, the small precession angle implies a small misalignment between the jet and the M87 black hole spin. A precession period of 11 years suggests a rather compact accretion disk. Such information will be important for the analysis in the direct black hole imaging as well as the theoretical and numerical models of the black hole-accretion disk-jet system.
Weikang Lin, an associate research professor at the South-Western Institute for Astronomy Research Yunnan University, is a core collaborator of this work. Lin contributes to both the data analysis and the theoretical interpretation of the results.
Contact: Weikang Lin, South-Western Institute for Astronomy Research, Yunnan University, weikanglin@ynu.edu.cn.
Paper link: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-023-06479-6.