Depolarized waves reveal the origin of fast radio bursts
发表文章:Yi Feng, Di Li, Yuan-Pei Yang et al.,“Frequency Dependent Polarization of Repeating Fast Radio Bursts -- Implications for Their Origin”, 2022, Science, 375, 1266
Physics Today:https://physicstoday.scitation.org/do/10.1063/PT.6.1.20220317a/full/

图1. 不同射电望远镜探测到具有不同偏振度的快速射电暴。
Figure 1. Fast radio bursts with different polarization degrees detected by different radio telescopes.

图2. 快速射电暴在磁化湍流环境中传播造成的退偏振现象(图片引自《科学》杂志特评文章)。
Figure 2. Depolarization caused by an FRB propagating in the magnetized turbulent environment (cite:the special review article of Science).

Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are brightest millisecond-duration transients at radio bands. These radio bursts release as much energy in a millisecond as the Sun releases over several days, which make them fascinating in its own right. Although hundreds of FRB sources have been detected and dozens of them showed repeating behaviors, their physical origin is still mysterious due to the lack of unified characterization for the diversity in the observed properties of FRBs.
In a research article published in Science on Mar. 18, 2022, researchers analyzed the polarizations of active FRB repeaters using multi-band observations from FAST, GBT, CHIME, etc., and offered the unified systematic description of the environments near the FRB sources. This work indicated that FRBs likely originate in complex magnetized environments such as supernova remnants, and it is an important step toward understanding the environments of those mysterious bursts.
Associate Prof. Yuanpei Yang, from the South-Western Institute for Astronomy Research, Yunnan University, leaded the theory team of this Science paper, and is responsible for building and refining the model, which much enhanced the impact of the observational results. Along with the paper, Science also published an invited perspective by an independent expert, who largely focused on Prof. Yang’s interpretation.
Publication:Yi Feng, Di Li, Yuan-Pei Yang et al.,“Frequency Dependent Polarization of Repeating Fast Radio Bursts -- Implications for Their Origin”, 2022, Science, 375, 1266
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Physics Today:https://physicstoday.scitation.org/do/10.1063/PT.6.1.20220317a/full/
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