2023 Welcome Ceremony and Mid-Autumn – National Day Holiday Party Held at SWIFAR

With the beginning of the 2023 autumn semester, eight new faculty members, two postdoctoral fellows and a group of new graduate students have joined SWIFAR. On September 27, 2023, SWIFAR organized a welcome ceremony along with a party to celebrate the Mid-Autumn and National Day holidays.
The ceremony commenced under the welcome speech by the director of SWIFAR, Prof. Xiaowei Liu. He delivered an impassioned address to faculty and students, provided a concise overview of the development of SWIFAR, and introduced the newly inaugurated Multi-channel Photometric Survey Telescope -- Mephisto. He also expressed great appreciation to all the faculty and students for their contributions to SWIFAR. Then new faculty members and postdoctors from different parts of the world took the stage one by one to introduce themselves, including their research fields and experiences, and in particular various facets of the traditional cultures of their home countries. The newly enrolled graduate students also presented short self-introductions and treated the audience with performance and joyful games. During the ceremony, SWIFAR also issued excellent-student awards to the students with great academic performance in 2022.
The inclusion of new members has not only enriched the research area of SWIFAR, but also the international atmosphere of our institute. SWIFAR is entering a new stage of development.