巡天大数据分析研讨班第一期: 恒星参数测定召开
The 1st Astronomical Big Data Exploration Camp: stellar parameter determination and calibration, held at SWIFAR

On July 2-8, 2023, the first serial workshop "Astronomical Big Data Exploration Camp" on the theme Stellar Parameter Determination and Calibration was held at SWIFAR, Yunnan University. More than 100 scholars, postdocs and graduates from domestic and international universities and research institutions, including Tsinghua University, Beijing Normal University, Yunnan University, National Astronomical Observatory of China, Yunnan Observatory, Xinjiang Observatory, Nanjing Institute of Astronomical Optics & Technology, Nanjing University, Shandong University, China Three Gorges University, China West Normal University, Hebei Normal University, Guizhou University, Xinjiang University, University of Science and Technology of China, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Australian National University, Strasbourg Astronomical Observatory, and New York University participated in the workshop. Prof. Xiaowei Liu, Director of the South-Western Institute for Astronomical Research, delivered the welcome speech.
During the workshop, experts specialized in the wide-field photometric and spectroscopic observations and calibrations, deep learning and spectroscopy, and stellar age determination presented the recent progress, and future opportunities and challenges of the related fields. Based on these, the participants engaged in in-depth discussions and research centered on topics ranging from "Photometric Stellar Physical Parameters", "Spectroscopic Stellar Physical Parameters", "Binary Stars and Star Clusters Physical Parameters", "Stellar Age and Distance", "Interstellar Extinction and Diffuse Interstellar Bands (DIB)", "Exoplanets", "Time-domain Astronomy and Compact Objects", to "Selection Effects". The workshop helped foster close collaborations, and played a positive role in promoting the deep exploration of survey data and the continuous improvement of stellar parameter determination methods.