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Workshop on Astronomical Big Data Analyzing and Mining

为推动云南大学天文学一流学科建设项目的顺利开展,促进多学科交叉融合发展,2021年12月20日,新利18体育新在天文楼1113会议室组织召开天文大数据分析与挖掘研讨会,与信息学院、软件学院和数学与统计学院商讨联合开展与1.6 米多通道测光巡天望远镜(Mephisto)巡天相关科学合作研究计划,共同培养现代大规模数字巡天数据处理与挖掘人才队伍。

中国西南天文研究所(SWIFAR)所长刘晓为教授致欢迎辞,副所长刘项琨副教授代表Mephisto项目组就1.6米多通道测光巡天望远镜建设情况作了汇报,陈丙秋副教授、方圆博士、刘德子博士及博士研究生张伦纬分别就Mephisto巡天策略、数据处理系统、暂现源实时处理系统和基于 Mephisto 颜色信息的 Ia 型超新星实时识别作了汇报。信息学院、软件学院和数学与统计学院老师代表就Mephisto数据搜集、处理、分析和挖掘与Mephisto项目组展开了热烈讨论并提出了一系列宝贵意见。


To enhance the development of the world-class astronomy discipline of Yunnan University and promote interdisciplinary integration and development, South-Western Institute For Astronomy Research (SWIFAR) held the Workshop on Astronomical Big Data Analyzing and Mining at Room 1113, Astronomy Building on December 20, 2021. SWIFAR, together with School of Information, School of Software and School of Mathematics and Statistics, discussed the scientific cooperation and research programs on the Mephisto project, the 1.6m multi-channel photometric sky survey telescope, and to jointly train group of talents for data processing and mining on modern large-scale digital sky survey.

Professor Xiaowei Liu, director of South-Western Institute for Astronomy Research (SWIFAR), delivered an opening speech. Associate Professor Liu Xiangkun, Associate Director of SWIFAR, introduced the construction status of Mephisto. Associate Professor Chen Bingqiu, the postdoctoral fellow Fangyuan, Liu Dezi and Zhang Lunwei, a doctoral candidate at SWIFAR presented the Mephisto survey strategy, the Mephisto data processing pipeline, the Mephisto transient detection pipeline and the Real-time Identification of Type Ia supernovae based on Mephisto survey respectively. Teacher representatives from School of Information, School of Software and School of Mathematics & Statistics had heated discussions with Mephisto team on Mephisto data collection, processing, analyzing and mining.

Focusing on astronomical big data analyzing and mining, the conference discussed the potential cooperation opportunities in the big data processing, analyzing and mining, laying a basis for the following collaborative researches, facilitating interdisciplinary integration and development of Yunnan University as well as training group of talents in big data science.



