Gas in Galaxies - a Submillimeter View Workshop was held at SWIFAR

On August 5-7, 2019, workshop entitled “Gas in galaxies — a submillimeter view” was held in the auditorium of the Astronomy Building, Yunnan University. Prof. Xiaowei Liu, Director of South-Western Institute for Astronomical Research, gave an opening speech. Over 30 researchers from Peking University, Nanjing University, University of Science and Technology of China, Xiamen University, and Purple Mountain Observatory and National Astronomical Observatories of Chinese Academy of Sciences attended the workshop.
During the workshop, experts specialized in galaxy clusters, galaxy evolution, the interstellar medium, AGNs, the early universe, star formation, and submillimeter instrumentation exchanged their latest research results, engaged in in-depth discussions and presented their visions of future submillimeter astronomy. The workshop helps promote further collaborations amongst the participants and is expected to benefit the development of submillimeter astronomy in China.