Prof. Wei Cui from Tsinghua University visited SWIFAR
崔伟教授研究领域广泛,包括黑洞,高能天体物理,X射线探测器等。此次报告中,他介绍了宇宙热重子探寻计划(Hot Universe Baryon Surveyor, 简称HUBS) 科学卫星项目的进展及科学目标。报告结束后,师生们就宇宙热重子及其探测等相关问题与崔伟教授进行了深入交流。
崔伟,1987 年毕业于中国科技大学。当年通过李政道先生主导的 CUSPEA 项目考试赴美留学。1994 年在美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校 (University of Wisconsin at Madison) 物理系获博士学位。毕业后就职于麻省理工学院空间研究中心(Center for Space Research , 现 Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research)。2000 年入职普渡大学物理系(现物理与天文系),2011 年被聘为中国科学院粒子天体物理重点实验室和高能物理研究所粒子天体物理中心的首席科学家。2016 年起任清华物理系天体物理中心(现清华大学天文系)教授。

Prof. Wei Cui from Tsinghua University visited SWIFAR on April 24, 2019. He presented a colloquium on “Probing hot circumgalactic and intergalactic gas with high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy”. In the colloquium, Prof. Cui introduced the Hot Universe Baryon Surveyor (HUBS) project designed to detect the missing baryons in CGM and IGM. After the talk, he had an extensive and stimulating discussion with the SWIFAR faculty members and students.
Brief introduction to Wei Cui:
Wei Cui is now a professor of astrophysics at Tsinghua University. He obtained his PhD from University of Wisconsin at Madison in 1994. After graduation, he first worked at the Center for Space Research (now Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research) of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and then joined the Physics Department of Purdue University in 2000. In 2011, he was appointed Chief Scientist of the Center for High Energy Astroparticle Physics and the Key Laboratory of Astroparticle Physics of the Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Since 2016, he has been a professor of the Center for Astrophysics, now Department of Astronomy of Tsinghua University.