Prof. Xiaowei Liu of SWIFAR was appointed as a member of the China Committee for International Science Council (ISC-China)
国际科学理事会(International Science Council)由原国际科联(International Council for Science)和原国际社科联(International Social Science Council)于2018年合并而成,是世界上成员覆盖面最广泛、学科门类最齐全的综合性科技组织,在国际科技界具有强大号召力。目前,ISC拥有142个组织会员、40个联合会会员和30个联系会员。

On March 21, 2019, the China Association for Science and Technology announced its new China committee for the International Science Council(ISC-China). Prof. Xiaowei Liu of SWIFAR was appointed as one of the members.
ISC-China is established under the approval of the China Association for Science and Technology. Its mission is to organize, coordinate and promote the Chinese science community to participate in the ISC activities; to pursue productive international exchanges and cooperation between China and the other ISC member organizations; to investigate China-related critical issues occurred in different ISC organizations and their activities; and to identify and recommend Chinese scholars to take posts in ISC’s organizations.
ISC was formed in 2018 from the merging between the previous International Council for Science (ICSU) and International Social Science Council (ISSC). It is an international organization with the most extended member and discipline coverage. It has a strong charisma in the science and technology community. At present, ISC has 142 member organizations, 40 member unions and associations and 30 affiliated members.