The 1st Donglu Astrophysics Forum was held at SWIFAR

From April 1st to 3rd, 2019, the first Donglu Astrophysics Forum was held in the auditorium of the new Astronomy building at Yunnan University. About 150 researchers and students from 26 international and domestic institutes and universities participated the conference. President of Yunnan University Prof. Wenxun Lin, Director of Yunnan Observatories of Chinese Academy of Sciences Dr. Jinming Bai, and Director of SWIFAR Prof. Xiaowei Liu, delivered welcome speeches at the opening ceremony, chaired by Vice President of Yunnan University Prof. Li Zhang.
The subject of this forum is: The era of large-scale sky surveys: near field cosmology and time domain science. The participants introduced ongoing and upcoming large-scale surveys, discussed data processing methodology and techniques, and presented frontier research on Galactic studies, time-domain astronomy and cosmology. Mephisto science and data analysis strategies were also intensively discussed.
This forum was the first international conference organized by SWIFAR after the new Astronomy building was brought into use. It further enhanced the international and domestic collaborations of SWIFAR, and provided a boost for the development of Mephisto project.