2018 Sino-French "LIA-ORIGINS" Workshop will be held at Yunnan University

由新利18体育新、中国科学院国家天文台和云南天文台共同承办的2018中国-法国“起源”实验室双边研讨会将于2018年11月2日-5日在云南大学召开。会议主题为“From First Epochs of Matter and Galaxy Formation to Extraterrestrial Life”。
法国CNRS-INSU和巴黎天文台亦是此次研讨会的共同承担单位。会议详细信息请见http://2018lia.csp. escience.cn.

From November 2nd to 5th, 2018, the 2018 Sino-French “LIA-ORIGINS” Workshop entitled “From First Epochs of Matter and Galaxy Formation to Extraterrestrial Life” will be held at Yunnan University.
Probing the origin and evolution of the Universe and all the matter therein has been the ultimate goal of modern science. By “seeing” and “hearing” messages from the cosmos, astronomical studies have played essential roles. We now have entered a multi-messenger era that allows us to investigate various fundamental problems from different angles.
This workshop will be the last one in the framework of the LIA ORIGINS, which was established in 2009, January 1st under the agreement between China and France in the field of Astrophysics. To mark this 10th anniversary of the LIA ORIGINS, this workshop aims to gather together scientists, mainly from China and France, to present recent developments in different aspects, from the very early Universe to present Milky Way, and from cosmic structures to extrasolar planets. Opportunities and challenges from future large surveys and instruments will also be discussed.
The workshop is organized and sponsored by SWIFAR, Yunnan University, Yunnan Observatories, and National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences. It is also co-sponsored by CNRS-INSU and Observatoire de Paris, France. Detailed information can be found inhttp://2018lia.csp.escience.cn.