南非西开普大学著名天文学家Catherine Cress教授来访
Catherine Cress visited SWIFAR
2017年11月3日,南非西开普大学的著名天文学家Catherine Cress教授应邀对新利18体育新进行访问。
当天上午,Catherine Cress教授与所里师生进行了广泛深入的学术交流,内容主要涉及引力透镜、星系团以及Hubble参量的测量的问题。Catherine Cress教授具有丰富的射电天文研究经验,其对如何将射电波段观测应用到引力透镜的分析中提出了若干见解。下午Catherine Cress教授游览了校园风景,并参观了云南大学图书馆、钟楼等地。
Catherine Cress教授的来访交流促进了中国西南天文研究所的国际化发展,为增强国际合作、提升云南大学天文学的影响力、拓展师生的研究视野提供了更多的契机。

图. 同Catherine Cress教授游览校园,从左到右分别为:刘项琨、Catherine Cress教授,刘德子和尔欣中。
Catherine Cress教授简介:
Catherine Cress教授目前任职于南非西开普大学物理与天文系(UWC)以及开普敦高性能计算中心(CHPC),主要从事射电宇宙学研究。她参与了一系列国际合作项目,如SKA、MeerKAT、FIRST巡天等,为南非天文学的普及和发展做出了重要贡献。

The famous astronomer Catherine Cress, extraordinary associate professor from University of the Western Cape (UWC), was invited to visit SWIFAR on November 3, 2017.
Catherine Cress met the faculty and students of SWIFAR in the morning and discussed many fields in astrophysics, involving gravitational lensing, cluster of galaxies and Hubble parameter determination. As an experienced radio observer, Catherine Cress also gave some suggestions on how to apply radio observational data to weak gravitational lensing studies. In the afternoon, Catherine Cress strolled around the campus and visited the library and belfry.
The visiting of Catherine Cress boosts the international development of SWIFAR ahead, provides the opportunity for SWIFAR to further enhance the international collaboration and widen the view of the faculty and students.
Catherine Cress:
After obtaining a PhD in radio cosmology from Columbia University and a postdoc at the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics, she returned to South Africa to help grow Astronomy. She started Astro groups at UKZN and then at UWC but mostly now work at the Centre for High Performance Computing in Cape Town. She is involved in various extragalactic MeerKAT surveys and in planning for the SKA with particularly interested in making Astronomy relevant to Africa.
Personal website:http://www.uwcastro.org/our_team/catherine-cress/