Colloquium on Jul. 11, 2024
Gastronomi: Scrutinizing Galaxy-star cluster coevolution through chemo-dynamics
Speaker:Baitian Tang (SYSU)
Venue:SWIFAR Building 2111
Time:10:00 AM, Thursday, Jul. 11, 2024
As satellite galaxies revolve around our Milky Way (MW), gas was stripped away, making these galaxies less likely to form new stars. Mergers between central and satellite galaxies change both their morphologies and star formation histories. Particularly, stars are formed in clusters: star clusters formed in high-z Universe are much different than those in low-z Universe. The coevolution between Galaxy and star clusters can now be traced in great details, thanks to the chemo-dynamics provided by on-going photometric and spectroscopic surveys.
Report PPT:
SWIFAR_Baitian Tang.pdf