Lunch talk on Jun. 5, 2024
The UV luminosity function from UVCANDELS
Speaker:Lei Sun (UCAS)
Venue:SWIFAR Building 2111
Time:12:30 PM, Wednesday, Jun. 5, 2024
UVCANDELS is a HST Cycle-26 Treasury Program awarded 164 orbits of primary ultraviolet (UV) F275W imaging and coordinated parallel optical F435W imaging in four CANDELS fields: GOODS-N, GOODS-S, EGS, and COSMOS, covering a total area of $\sim426$ arcmin$^2$. This is $\sim2.7$ times larger than the area covered by previous deep-field space UV data combined, reaching a depth of about 27 and 28 ABmag ($5\sigma$ in $0."2$ apertures) for F275W and F435W, respectively. Along with the new photometric catalogs, we present an analysis of the rest-frame UV luminosity function (LF), relying on our UV-optimized aperture photometry method yielding a factor of $1.5\times$ increase than the H-isophot aperture photometry in the signal-to-noise ratios of galaxies in our F275W imaging. Using well tested photometric redshift measurements we identify 5810 galaxies at redshifts $0.6
Report PPT:
SWIFAR_Lei Sun.pdf