Lunch talk on Apr. 18, 2024
Biases in galaxy spectral analysis induced by strong lensing effect
Speaker:Wenshuo Xu (Tsinghua University)
Venue:SWIFAR Building 2111
Time:12:30 PM, Thursday, Apr. 18, 2024
In the past decades, strong lensing effect has greatly facilitated our study of galaxies at high redshift. However, for an extended source galaxy, different regions of it (with different stellar population and kinematic properties) can be magnified with different magnification factors. Such kind of differential magnification effect can lead to marked biases in the derived spectral properties of the background source. In this talk, I will present our recent work to study such kind of biases utilizing mock systems generated with galaxies from MaNGA survey and IllustrisTNG simulation. We also compare two different approaches to correct for the biases and show that spatially resolved spectroscopic observations, such as IFU spectroscopy, can greatly facilitate corrections for the influence of differential magnification.
Report PPT:
SWIFAR_Wenshuo Xu.pdf