Colloquium on Sep. 21, 2023
Understanding Exoplanets Through High-Precision Spectroscopy
Speaker:Xuesong Wang (THU)
Venue:SWIFAR Building 2111
Time:15:00 PM, Thursday, Sep. 21, 2023
Roughly 30 years ago, high-resolution stellar spectroscopy provided the first set of discoveries in the field of exoplanets through radial velocity (RV) measurements. Up to the present day, radial velocity has revealed over a thousand exoplanets and tracked hundreds to thousands of transiting exoplanets. The precision of RV measurements has also improved from an initial level of hundreds of meters per second to the order of a few tens of centimeters per second. The combination of high-precision radial velocity data and high-quality host star spectra has opened doors to various directions of exoplanet detection and research. This presentation will discuss the current significance of stellar spectroscopy in exoplanet research from two aspects: firstly, understanding stellar activity to improve the RV detection sensitivity is the current bottleneck for detecting Earth analogs; additionally, the high-quality stellar spectra provide precise measurements of stellar properties and elemental abundances, which helps better understanding the nature of planet host stars and their influence on exoplanet formation and evolution.
Report PPT:
SWIFAR_Xuesong Wang.pdf