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Lunch talk on Jul. 5, 2023

Polarization Evolution of Fast Radio Burst Sources in Binary Systems

Speaker:Zhaoyang Xia (Nanjing University)

Venue:SWIFAR Building 2111

Time:12:30 PM, Wednesday, Jul. 5, 2023


Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are mysterious intense radio transients with millisecond duration at cosmological distances. Recently, some FRBs have been reported to exhibit complex and diverse variations in Faraday rotation measurements (RM) and polarization, suggesting that dynamically evolving magnetization environments may surround them. In this talk, I will first briefly summarize some important observations in FRBs for a review of the development of FRBs, then I will introduce some theories and observations about FRB polarization, and show some evidence that FRBs may have originated in binary systems. Finally, I will report on my recent work that investigates the polarization evolution of FRBs due to their propagation in binary systems.

Report PPT:SWIFAR_Zhaoyang Xia.pdf

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