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Colloquium on Jun. 21, 2023

Multi-wavelength Variability and Quasi Periodic Oscillations (QPOs) in Blazars

Speaker:Alok Gupta (SHAO)

Venue:SWIFAR Building 2111

Time:15:00 PM, Wednesday, Jun. 21, 2023


This is the age of multi-wavelenth (MW) time domain astronomy in which the transient astronomical sources are of great interest due to their rapid change in flux, spectrum and polarization. Simultaneous MW observation of a particular transient source on an extended period of time has importance to understand the emission mechanism in different electromagnetic (EM) bands. Blazar is a subclass of active galactic nuclei (AGN), and among one of the most favourite astronomical transient objects, because they emit radiation in the complete EM spectrum, and their flux, spectrum and polarization are highly variable. In the present colloquium, I will present some of the key results of blazars we have obtained in single EM band, simultaneous MW, and also detected QPOs in the time series data.



