Colloquium on Oct. 20, 2022
Structure of halos and its importance in gamma-ray search of DM
Speaker:Nagisa Hiroshima (Toyama University)
Venue:Video Conference
Time:16:00 PM, Thursday, Oct. 20, 2022
Dark matter (DM) is a mysterious component of our Universe that occupies ~25% of the total energy density. Its nature is investigated in kinds of strategies, such as collider, direct detection, and indirect detection experiments. Among these, indirect search is powerful in probing signals from heavy DM of m>O(1)TeV. A precise understanding of the halo structure, which is a natural outcome of particle DM properties, is especially important when we extract information about DM from astrophysical observables. In this talk, I will overview the general strategies of indirect search focusing on the importance of the halo structure, and introduce recent ideas to better model halos.
Report PPT:
SWIFAR_Nagisa Hiroshima.pdf