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Lunch talk on May. 23, 2022

The Effects of the External irradiation on the Disk Instability Model for Giant planet Formation

Speaker:Pengfei Tang (BNU)

Venue:Video Conference

Time:12:30 PM, Monday, May. 23, 2022


There are two main theories for giant planet formation: core accretion model and disk instability model. According to the disk instability model, a disk that is gravitationally unstable fragments into self-gravitating dense clumps. Then, some of these clumps will contract to become gas giant planets. Disk fragmentation is the prerequisite for the formation of planets by the disk instability. It has been shown that disk fragmentation within several tens of AU from the star is very difficult when the gravitational instability and cooling time criterion are considered. In this lecture, I will report the effects of the external irradiation on the disk instability model, which may relax this constraint.

Report PPT:SWIFAR_Pengfei Tang.pptx

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