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Lunch talk on May. 16, 2022

Early Electromagnetic Emission from Compact Binary Mergers

Speaker:Yan Li (SYSU)

Venue:Video Conference

Time:12:30 PM, Monday, May. 16, 2022


EM emission is an important probe of the diversity of merger outcomes, the nature of a merger and nuclear physics. I focus on the EM emission from compact binary mergers and accretion. I estimate the degree of polarization at the first ~1hr can be up to 3% and 0.6% if free neutrons survived in the fastest component of the dynamical ejecta and disk wind, respectively. This is helpful to determine the distribution of free neutrons and the morphology of disk wind and dynamical ejecta. I also investigate the EM difference between BH-NS and NS-NS mergers in the luminosities and time scales of the emission from kilonova, sGRB and cocoon prompt emission, which can be used to identify the nature of a merger.

Report PPT:SWIFAR_Yan Li.pdf

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