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Lunch talk on Dec. 27, 2021

The Early Flux Excess and a Multi-Messenger Approach to Observations of Thermonuclear Supernovae

Speaker:Maokai Hu (PMO)

Venue:SWIFAR Building 2111

Time:12:30 PM, Monday, Dec. 27, 2021


I will introduce my recent work about the early flux excess of Type Ia supernovae. SNe Ia are the thermonuclear explosion of C/O white dwarfs while their masses reach to the Chandrasekhar limit through merging or accretion. However, the progenitor systems and explosion mechanisms of SNe Ia are still unclear. The early observations on SNe Ia provide crucial probe to reveal their nature. I will introduce the effect of the ejecta-CSM interaction on the early-time light curves of SNe~Ia. Meanwhile, the CSM interaction can generate synchrotron radiation from relativistic electrons in the shocked gas. The predicted radio luminosity suggests that positive detections of the ejecta-CSM interaction is more probable at higher radio frequencies (e.g., ~250 GHz) than lower frequencies (e.g., ~1.4 GHz). These models lead us to conclude that a multi-messenger approach that involves UV, optical, and radio observations of SNe~Ia a few days past explosion is necessary to answer many outstanding questions about the progenitor systems of SNe Ia.

Report PPT:SWIFAR_Maokai Hu.pdf

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