Lunch talk on Nov. 15, 2021
New FRBs discovered in CRAFTS
Speaker:Chenhui Niu (NAOC)
Venue:Video Conference
Time:12:30 PM, Monday, Nov. 15, 2021
Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) are bright millisecond bursts whose origin are still in mysteries. Most of the world-wide famous radio telescopes have conducted FRB search project, and hundreds of FRBs have been published. In the early years, the single dish radio telescope take the lead of FRB discoveries. Within High Time Resolution Universe (HTRU) by Parks, dozens of FRBs were found. The FRB110523, which are detected by GBT, bring the FRB filed into polarization observation. The recent break throughs of FRBs are more coming from the Telescope array. VLA announce the first Localization of FRB host Galaxy with its interferometer mode. Taking the advantage of large FoV by digital synthesized beams, CHIME declare its predominant space of FRB search. The early FRBs were detected from the archived Pulsar data, With the development of real-time search pipeline, the number of FRBs are increasing by leaps and bounds. Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST) is the most sensitive single dish radio telescope in the world. Using FAST, we carried the Commensal Radio Astronomy FAST Survey (CRAFTS) and started hunting FRBs in 2018. Until present, 6 new FRBs have been detected by FAST and all of them have the low fluence and large DM (> 1000 pc cm^-3). One of the FAST-FRBs is an active repeater, FRB 190520B, who has the largest host-contributed DM and the second FRBs that found associated with a PRS. In this talk, I would like to introduce how to build a FRB search pipeline based on my experience. Then some of the current de-dispersion algorithm will be discussed. In the end, I would share the story of FAST-FRB discovery.
Report PPT:
SWIFAR_Chenhui Niu.pdf