Lunch talk on Dec. 13, 2021
Multiple Wavelength Variability and Quasi-Periodic Oscillation of Jetted AGNs
Speaker:Tingfeng Yi (Yunnan Normal University)
Venue:SWIFAR Building 2111
Time:12:30 PM, Monday, Dec. 13, 2021
AGNs are high-energy objects formed by the accretion of surrounding gas by supermassive black holes. A considerable part of AGNs has a jet almost perpendicular to the accretion disk. I will briefly overview the multiple wavelength variability and quasi-periodic oscillation of jetted AGNs. It is not surprising to find a supermasive binary black hole system in AGNs since current lambda-cold-dark-matter model (Lambda-CDM model) predict an abundance of galactic nuclei with binary black holes. But, OJ 287 is viewed as the first confirmed supermassive binary black hole system, and other candidates need further observation to confirm. In this talk, I will introduce this scenario and discuss its implications. In this talk, I will introduce our observation of AGNs and the difficulty of searching for supermassive double black holes.
Report PPT:
SWIFAR_Tingfeng Yi.pptx