Lunch talk on Dec. 6, 2021
Exploring hot stars in the LAMOST survey
Speaker:Maosheng Xiang (MPIA)
Venue:Video Conference
Time:12:30 PM, Monday, Dec. 6, 2021
Hot stars are among the most luminous objects in our Galaxy. They play important roles in studying the Galactic ecosystems and astrophysics, from being the donors of UV photons and the progenitors of supernovae and black holes, to acting as key laboratories for stellar structure and evolution, and as advanced tracers for Galactic structure and chemo-dynamics. Modern large stellar spectroscopic surveys are delivering spectra for huge amounts of hot stars, and wealth of information can be extracted from those spectra. This opens the possibility for unveiling the Milky Way young stellar population and chemo-dynamics as well as the stellar astrophysics of young/massive stars to unprecedented extent. Particularly, the LAMOST Galactic surveys have delivered low (R~1800) and medium (R~7500) resolution spectra for more than 8 million stars. As a result of the successful survey targeting strategy, a large number of hot stars are targeted by the survey with statistically well-defined selection function. However, the data burst as well as the low-resolution nature of the LAMOST spectra, has raised great challenge in optimally extracting information for those hot stars. In this talk, I will present our efforts on delivering stellar labels, such as basic stellar parameters (effective temperature, gravity, metallicity), rotation velocity, individual elemental abundances, binarity, and distance, etc., from the LAMOST low-resolution spectra. The resulting value-added catalogs have extensive intriguing science applications and potentials for stellar and Galactic astrophysics, and I will show a few of them as examples.
Report PPT:
SWIFAR_Maosheng Xiang.pdf